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A Tale of Two Nervies

Anthurium nervatum is massive providing prefect canopy cover for shade lovers in your growing space. The features of this plant can be seen in the images here. The giant glossy leaves can get massive in the wild eclipsing the 4ft mark. Here indoors in North Carolina the latest leaf on this young (F2) Anthurium nevatum is 12 inches across at the widest point and 27 inches long. The flower, technically a modified leaf structure used for reproduction called an inflorescence, is probably the most shocking feature of this plant. This plant is only found in nature in a handful of Panamanian localities (source). The original 1976 collection by Dr. T. Croat was from Colce Province Panama in a cloud forest biome at 2700FASL (source). For indoor cultivation this means it should need relatively high humidity and a night time cool down. I have grown two of these (F2) seed grown Anthurium nervatum indoors here in NC and found that my plant kept in the grow tent is substantially bigger and more vigorous than the one I’ve kept outside the tent in ambient conditions. Seen below is a comparison and gallery of my (F2)Anthurium nervatums.

These plants were produced from seed by Jay Vannini in California.

I have been growing both here indoors since young plants. Same seed batch.

(Note my ambient conditions in the garage tropics are about 60% humidity with 150-200fc light)

To your left is the Garage plant and to the right is the cloud-tent plant. (F2)Anthurium nervatum

Anthurium nervatum inflorescence.

The two nervies

Cloud tent plant

The larger cloud-tent plant was grown in a bark based aroid mix (orchiata power plus, tree fern, pumice, hort charcoal).

This plant is grown under 450fc of full spectrum LED grow lights. 18hr/day consistent light.

Watered with RO water 2-3 week.

Fertilized with MSU k-lite fertilizer every 7-10 days.

We also use low doses of kelp, chelated iron, gypsum, cal mag, silica, bloom booster, and dolomitic lime on all our Anthuriums.

Largest leaf 27”

Flowered twice

Garage tropical plant.

The ambient plant was grown in a self watering pot in a mineral based (lechuza pon) substrate.

This plant is grown under 200-350 fc of light from a south facing window and supplemental LED light bars.

This plant gets RO water as needed.

I supplement the pon’s nutrients with k-lite once a month.

We also use low doses of kelp, chelated iron, gypsum, cal mag, silica, bloom booster, and dolomitic lime on all our Anthuriums.

Largest leaf 18” long 7” across.

Yet to flower.