Exotica Exportare

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Anthurium crystallinum ex-Antioqua. Anthurium regale ex-Moyobamaba. What does that “ex” mean? It simply means “from’. This term is used in publications to further identify a subject. So if you see “ex-” used in the name of your favorite plant it is an indication that the author of the description has additional beneficial collection-data that they felt should be added. These types of terms are a great for record keeping, dialing in cultural factors (plants are happiest if we recreate their natural habitat to the best of our abilities: more infor=more accurate conditions), or just for a cool backstory to tell friends or write a random blog about. Seen below are our examples of Anthurium crystallinum ex- Antioquia and Anthuirum regale ex- Moyobamba waterworks; both plants were obtained from Jay Vannini in California and grow here indoors in North Carolina.